California Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab Ca | Affordable Drug Abuse Treatment

Opiates (oxycontin, vicodin, codeine, darvocet, demerol, fentanyl, heroin, morphine) and benzodiazepines (valium, xanax, klonopin) are the new drugs of choice for America?s youth and we have seen a huge increased in admission to our treatment facility listing opiates, benzodiazepines or some combination of opiates with other drugs as their primary addiction. Noticing this increase led our team to develop a specialized treatment protocol to more effectively treat this type of addiction. On June 1, 2007, our first client was admitted to our prescription drug rehab program with promising results. The new program works like this:

It is the experience of SouthCoast Recovery that prescription drug addiction needs to be approached in a very particular way. Due to the long acting physical and psychological effects of heroin, oxycontin, xanax, valim and klonopin and prescription medication of all kinds, South Coast Recovery has developed a unique treatment program for people addicted to these types of drugs. Prescription drug users have a very high relapse rate during the early states of recovery due to the physical pain of withdrawal and easy access involved. The body has cravings that the brain interprets as a signal that the body is in pain. Doctors prescribe these medications to almost anyone. Our prescription drug treatment program recommends that the client to be prescribed medications that decrease this level of pain for the first 10-14 days. These analgesic drugs (suboxone or naltrexone) block the transmission of pain messages to the brain thereby decreasing the level of pain. We have experienced a 88% success rate during the first two weeks of recovery using this method versus a 22% success rate using no opiate blockers.

SouthCoast Recovery has treated prescritption medication addictions for over 14 years. The first stage is to physically stabilize the person. We refer our clients to an addiction medicine specialist for evaluation and opiate blocking medications, if necessary. Detox doesn?t have to be painful. With the addition of a state-licensed detox, clients are now admitted to a SouthCoast residential home specifically designed for medically supervised drug detox. ?The addition of our detox facility is an exciting venture,? says Executive Director, Dennis Larkin. ?We?re thrilled to be able to offer this component as another layer of support to our clients.?
This process doesn?t have to be painful. With the addition of its state-licensed, medically supervised detox program, SouthCoast Recovery is now equipped to handle all stages of the recovery process. This personal attention allows clients to comfortably progress to the next level of recovery.

Once a person is stabilized and has an opiate blocker medication, the learning begins. Each client is evaluated by our psychologist, Dr. Robert Buley, to identify issues and goals. Our marriage and family therapist identifies relationship and family issues. Our addiction treatment specialists give individual attention and evaluation. Once the person is properly evaluated, a treatment plan is developed which ensures the best possibility of success. The root of the problem is identified and treated through individual and group sessions.

South Coast Recovery, founded by Dennis Larkin, a former drug addict himself, is a residential drug rehab center with an extended treatment transitional program. The program lasts from 30 days to one year, depending on one?s progress, and includes 30 people at a time working with 14 staff members. Most get jobs while in the program. The desire to become sober and the willingness to stop using all mind-altering chemical substances are the most important ? and therefore the first essential steps on the road to recovery.

We offer affordable drug rehab, alternative sentencing, alcohol rehabilitation and court liaison assistance. Our drug treatment and alcohol rehab center works!

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