The Impact of Tobacco on Lung Cancer and What You Can Do

The main cause for developing lung cancer, in both men and women, is tobacco use. Up to nine out of ten patients diagnosed with this type of tumor are smokers or have been smokers before. There is a clear incidence of smoking with the development of lung cancer, much higher than any other type of cause.

Do You Want To Quit Smoking?

This does not mean that people who have started smoking cannot prevent the development of this disease. Quitting this habit also has a positive impact. It takes several years to notice its effect, but quitting smoking helps reduce the incidence of this type of tumor. The best thing is not to start, but there is always time to stop doing it. It takes several years to notice its effect, but quitting smoking helps reduce the incidence of lung cancer. The best thing is not to start, but there is always time to stop doing it.

World Health Organization

Every May 31, the World Health Organization and its partners celebrate International No Tobacco Day or, as others prefer to call it, World Smokeless Day. Under the slogan Tobacco, a threat to development, the WHO aims to demonstrate how the tobacco industry, in addition to affecting the health of the entire population, prevents sustainable development.

According to the organization, the cultivation, production and consumption of tobacco have a negative effect on the environment. Thus, breaking the cycle of poverty, eradicating hunger, promoting sustainable agriculture and fighting climate change are some of the objectives that have been set for this year.

The Main Cause

Although this year’s International No Tobacco Day aims to raise awareness about the effects that the cultivation of this plant generates, extending beyond the impact it generates on our health, whether you are a smoker or not, you cannot lose sight of the direct relationship between smoking and various types of cancer. Among them, it can be said, without fear of being wrong, that smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. In fact, 90% of cases of this cancer occur in smokers. In the case of non-smokers, exposure to smoke doubles the risk. 

Be Part of Something Wholesome

Join in on celebrating your desire for a smoke-free existence and become a part of something wholesome. Lung cancer treatment Orange County-based centers do participate in this phenomenon and you can too, especially, if you have the disease or want to quit smoking.

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